What is pelvic physical therapy anyways? Can’t I just do kegels?🤔
Summer Special!
Well, the heat is here! I hope you’re enjoying your summer! Let’s celebrate with a special discount on your first physical therapy visit. It’s the perfect time to address that nagging issue you keep putting off so that you can get back to enjoying the things you love! Call or text April at (847)220-4998 or email April@pelvicbalance.com to schedule
Pelvic Balance Physical Therapy presenting at Empowered Pregnancy Seminar
Join me on July 30th, 2019 to learn about pregnancy and the pelvic floor!
This is what no one is telling you about postpartum healing!
Have you done the diastasis recti test?
Diastasis recti (abdominal separation) is often overlooked and can contribute to issues such as incontinence, low back pain, and pelvic organ prolapse.
April Special!
Low back pain? Bladder leaks? Abdominal separation? Pelvic pain? It’s a great time to schedule your prenatal or postpartum check up! Email April@pelvicbalance.com or call (847)220-4998
Tips for Carrying/Wearing Baby
Tips on how to prevent pelvic floor dysfunction while carrying/wearing your baby Pelvic floor, abdominal, and low back issues are common during pregnancy and postpartum. Here are some tips to help prevent these issues from developing or getting worse.
Natural Fertility Treatment
This is Why Kegels Didn’t Work
I hear it a lot from women, “I tried Kegels but they didn’t work for me.” Well this is what you need to know about Kegels. Here are some reasons they didn’t work: You’re not doing them right. They might seem easy enough but about 50% of women do them incorrectly. I often see women substituting with other muscles by squeezing their butt or thighs or contracting their abs too much. It’s also important to incorporate the correct breathing pattern with performing Kegels because the diaphragm and pelvic floor muscles work in conjunction to regulate intra-abdominal pressure. To perform them correctly make sure you’re in good posture and, while exhaling,…
Take the Quiz!
Nearly one third of women experience pelvic floor dysfunction at some point in their life! This may include bladder leakage, pelvic pain, or pelvic organ prolapse. Women are often given medication or surgery as their only options, however, you have another option. Take the pelvic health quiz to rate your pelvic health and learn what you can do to prevent and treat these conditions without medication and surgery. Contact April@pelvicbalance.com with your results to get your personalized plan for improved pelvic health! Download the quiz!
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