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    Let the healing begin!

    Experience the best physical therapy in South Elgin! Take the first step towards the life you want.  One in which you are not held back by pain or fear.  At Pelvic Balance Physical Therapy, I provide the best physical therapy in South Elgin!   We will work together to create a treatment plan to help you meet your goals.  Unlike other clinics, treatment sessions are provided by one physical therapist and are an hour in length.  There are no busy gyms or pointless exercises.  You will receive the undivided attention you deserve to help you get the most out of your sessions.  Come experience physical therapy like no other!  Contact…

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    Try PT first!

    October is National Physical Therapy Month!  Many people don’t really understand physical therapy, which is why those of us in this profession need to do a better job at spreading the word.  The goal of physical therapy is to decrease limitations and optimize function.  Treatment often includes a combination of exercise and manual treatment and can address anything from vertigo to incontinence,  In Illinois, you can be evaluated by a physical therapist without a prescription which allows for faster rehabilitation and reduced healthcare costs.  Please tell your friends and family to try PT first and help them feel better faster! Call for a free consultation (847)220-4998!

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    Pain relief without medication!

    Are you trying to avoid surgery and relieve pain without medication? If you’ve ever experienced pain that required a visit to the physician’s office you know the drill.  Maybe you were given a prescription and told to follow up if the pain didn’t get better.  Perhaps an x-ray was ordered which didn’t show anything significant so then an MRI was recommended.  The medication may have worked initially but now the pain returns.  Or you’re waiting for an MRI and still in pain.  It’s frustrating and maybe scary to think you might need surgery.  What if you could relieve pain without medication and avoid surgery?  Well you can with physical therapy!…

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    Exercise doesn’t have to hurt

    You’ve probably heard the expression “no pain, no gain.”  Well, that’s not necessarily true.  Any movement is beneficial and can help reduce and prevent pain.  Muscle fatigue, the burning feeling, with exercise is normal.  However, if you feel more of a pain, your body may be trying to tell you something.  Not sure where to start with your exercise program?  I’ll create a program tailored to your needs.

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    Why choose physical therapy?

    With the wealth of information available online and all the different treatments being advertised it can be difficult to choose what’s best for you. So why choose physical therapy over other treatments? Well, physical therapy has been around a long time. The first professional physical therapy association was created in 1921. Through the years, there has been continuous research done on physical therapy treatments to ensure that physical therapists are using the most effective treatments. To this day, physical therapists practice evidenced based treatments and the profession continues to evolve based on new research. Physical therapists are licensed and required to complete continuing education. There are no gimmicks here, just…

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