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    What is Mercier Therapy?

    Mercier therapy is a deep visceral manipulation to help improve function of the reproductive organs.  It is used to help women with fertility issues, pelvic pain, incontinence, cesarean section recovery, and other women’s health issues.  This is a research based technique that has helped many individuals conceive even when other treatments have failed.  Contact me today for more information!  April@pelvicbalance.com    

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    Peeing your pants? You don’t have to suffer!

    Incontinence is common and often dismissed as a symptom of aging.  However, it’s not normal and can be treated.  In fact, if left untreated, symptoms most likely worsen over time.  Physical therapy helps address underlying issues such as weakness or tightness of the pelvic floor muscles that may contribute to symptoms.  Contact me today and stop suffering in silence!

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    Are you too flexible?

    While stretching is an important part of an exercise program, sometimes the focus needs to be on strengthening.  There are people who have more laxity in their joints and stretching may lead to increased instability in the joints due to excessive strain on ligaments.  For these individuals, especially if they’re athletes, a strengthening program is important to maintain stability and decrease risk of injury.  For example, a person who has more hypermobility may be prone to ankle sprains.  At Pelvic Balance, I evaluate strength and flexibility and create an individualized exercise program to address any areas of concern.  See below for a quick screen to determine if you have hypermobility.…

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