Pre/postnatal Nutrition

Approximately 15% to 25% of women have iron deficiency during pregnancy.
Being a vegetarian, that information would’ve been very helpful to know as I am more at risk of developing iron deficiency.
And that’s not the only nutrient that pregnant women are more at risk of becoming deficient in: Vitamins A, C, D, E, K1, and B6, folate, choline, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and zinc are also common.
Whoa, that’s a problem! Especially since many pregnant women are not counseled on pre/postnatal nutrition. Taking a prenatal vitamin may not be enough. Fast forward to postpartum when our bodies have been depleted of nutrients and it’s trying to heal.
Thinking back to my own experiences I realize how this depletion contributed to progressively worse hair loss after each pregnancy and drenching night sweats after my last pregnancy. We often think of things as a normal part of postpartum, or are told that from providers, when in reality are body is telling us something is off.
I see these imbalances contributing to my client’s concerns as we work through issues with pain, bowel or bladder issues, and weakness. Because it is well known that systems of the body are very connected. When we treat an issue we have to consider all possible factors involved to resolve the actual cause of the problem, not just the symptoms.
I see a lot of ways we can improve postpartum healing and long term health for women, if we just give them the proper education and guidance. I strive to do my part to provide this information from my position as a pelvic health expert so that future generations will have better postpartum healing and prevention of pelvic health issues.
Whether you’re planning to become pregnant, currently pregnant, or postpartum I urge you to consult with your provider or nutrition expert to determine what your specific needs are. And if you’re currently experiencing bowel or bladder issues or pain or concerned about issues such as diastasis recti or postpartum return to exercise click below to schedule a free phone consultation.
It’s not too late for the healing to begin!