C-section scars: Did anyone tell you this?
I’ve had 3 c-sections and no one ever told me this! If your postpartum follow up visit was like mine, your c-section incision was most likely visually assessed and, as long as there were no issues with healing, you were sent on your way to gradually return to daily activities. Thankfully, I was a PT and knew the importance of scar massage! If you’ve had a c-section you already know it’s a major abdominal surgery, however, women are not typically given the best guidance on how to help themselves heal. I often see women for treatment who have had issues related to c-section going on way too long! Some of the potential…
3 Things You Need To Know About C-section Recovery
Find out what no one is telling you when it comes to healing following c-section.
Special Savings on the Pregnancy and Postpartum Program!
Preparing for pregnancy and postpartum
Stay fit during pregnancy and avoid postpartum issues with this program
What is Mercier Therapy?
Mercier therapy is a deep visceral manipulation to help improve function of the reproductive organs. It is used to help women with fertility issues, pelvic pain, incontinence, cesarean section recovery, and other women’s health issues. This is a research based technique that has helped many individuals conceive even when other treatments have failed. Contact me today for more information! April@pelvicbalance.com
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