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    C-section scars: Did anyone tell you this?

    I’ve had 3 c-sections and no one ever told me this!   If your postpartum follow up visit was like mine, your c-section incision was most likely visually assessed and, as long as there were no issues with healing, you were sent on your way to gradually return to daily activities.  Thankfully, I was a PT and knew the importance of scar massage!   If you’ve had a c-section you already know it’s a major abdominal surgery, however, women are not typically given the best guidance on how to help themselves heal.  I often see women for treatment who have had issues related to c-section going on way too long!   Some of the potential…

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    You gave birth, now what: Why baby isn’t the only one who needs care

    You’ve prepared for the past 9 months. Looking forward to the arrival of that little bundle of joy. You may have taken prenatal exercise classes, changed your diet to get better nutrition, tried to decrease stress more, all to ensure that you stay well so baby stays well. So, why does that all end once baby is born? Doesn’t mom’s wellness matter anymore? Of course it does! Mom just went through a lot and may have had some unexpected things happen too. Birth results in many physical and emotional changes and challenges that often last beyond the birth experience. Not only is mom dealing with bodily changes but also mood…

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